One of FacePhi’s priorities is being next to our shareholders and investors. We want to have several communication lines opened (email, social networks, etc) and we always try to answer all questions as soon as possible.
We also want to organize few periodically meetings or breakfasts in order to calmly talk about how we are evolving. Also, sometimes, it is the easiest way to answer or explain our investors’ questions.
For this reason, we are arranging a Breakfast at the Madrid Stock Exchange this month, for all those interested people. It is available for shareholders and potential investors.
We think every investor interested in our future plans and growth (both organic and inorganic) has a good opportunity next August, 6th.
We hope to arrange more meetings in other Spanish cities. So, if you are not available to come and you would like us to go to your town, please, contact us.
Please, confirm your attendance writing an email to [email protected], providing your name, surname and ID number. Limited capacity.
A Facephi foi nomeada provedor de referência no 2024 Gartner® Market Guide for KYC Platforms for Banking