Alicante, 5th January 2016.- The tech Company, FacePhi, has been awarded a tender for the use of face recognition to authenticate the clients of Banco Nacional of Costa Rica. This contract will make the clients of the biggest financial entity of Costa Rica to access to their accounts and check their balances quickly and in a secure way using the advanced technology of the Spanish Company.
With this new contract, seven are the financial entities that have decided to increase the security of their clients with the technology that the Spanish Company offers, making it to continue with its strategy and to strengthen as a global leader in a facial biometric field applied to banking sector.
From the second quarter of 2016, the clients of Banco Nacional of Costa Rica will have access to their banking accounts through their mobile devices with the face. In the second phase, the bank will also offer to their clients the possibility to access to their online banking accounts with the face.
This new contract of FacePhi highlights the interest of the financial sector in the use of biometrics as an alternative to the needed passwords for the mobile and online access of their current clients in the banking sector.
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica is the largest bank of Costa Rica and Central America. It was founded the 9th of October of 1914 with the name of Banco Internacional de Costa Rica. In 1936 the name was changed to Banco Nacional of Costa Rica, and since then it has been consolidated as a real development bank with a transcendent projection in the economic, social and financial life of the country. Banco Nacional has a network of more than 170 offices, more than 400 ATMs in the whole country, and around 5.000 employees. It also has the 49% of Banco Internacional of Costa Rica Limited (Bicsa), entity added in the República of Panamá and owns the 100% of BN-Valores (Exchange Post), BN-Vital (Operator of Pension Funds), BN-SAFI (Investment Funds) and BN Corredora de Seguros. For more
Facephi Biometría is a public company listed on the MAB (Spanish Alternative Investment Market), specialized in developing and marketing facial recognition software and is one of the most relevant manufacturers in the world, working for banking, vehicle, private security and public sectors. FacePhi focuses its activity on mobile devices, reducing fraud in accounts. FacePhi is one the main technology stocks which was listed on the MAB it has direct presence in 18 different countries, among which we found Latam strategic markets such as Panama, Chile, Colombia, and Argentina. Its facial recognition software uses own algorithms, which makes it the original owner of the FaceRecognition technology. For more information:
More information:
Ángela Sánchez
[email protected]
Phone. +0034 965 108 008
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A Facephi foi nomeada provedor de referência no 2024 Gartner® Market Guide for KYC Platforms for Banking